Philosophy and Mission

The administration and staff of Mikelnguut Elitnaurviat Primary School acknowledge our fundamental responsibility to parents and children to provide the best possible education for every student. We believe the educational process must help students attain their optimal educational development in all areas - academic, social, emotional and physical - in the ways and at the times appropriate for each individual child. It is our job to aid parents in providing their children with the knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary to function productively, cooperatively and happily in the larger world. The educational process should respect family and community values, needs and expectations. Learning should be seen as a life-long journey. As educators and educational support people we are committed to helping youngsters learn to do their best, strive for excellence, acquire a positive attitude toward learning and work, and take pride in achievement and progress. Our work should always keep the children as our focus in providing the most appropriate curriculum and practices for their developing interests and needs.

The mission of the Bethel Public Schools is to continually promote
excellence in education by maintaining a partnership between parents, schools and community, and integrating the unique cultural aspects of the region and community into the school systems, while requiring the highest academic standards.
The education of our children is the responsibility of the entire community.
By working together as an Educational Family, we will be able to meet the needs of our students during the present and prepare them for their future.

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